About Us

Talent Discovery Program

Heaven has endowed me with talents for eventual use.

Efficient matching: Genius is random probability, and XR reduces screening time significantly.

Everyone Makes It: full scene matching greatly increases the probability of discovering each man’s areas of expertise and abilities, which gives more possibilities.

Improving the quality of teaching: the future growth of international schools will lead to a shortage of teachers. The launch of XR courseware can effectively improve the quality of teaching, reduces the repetitive labor time of teachers, enhances the interaction frequency between teachers and students, improves the teaching efficiency, and alleviates the problem of teacher s shortage.

Promote home-school connection: the concept of hyperspace attracts more students and families participate in it. Positive feedback guides more schools to join XR program.

Technical Foundation

XR technology is a technology that realizes virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality, and is a general term for X Reality/Extended Reality, VR+AR+MR.

XR technology is currently mostly limited to the gaming industry. Applied research in the medical field is also underway, but it will take some time before it is widely and generally put into practical use.

This is the first time that XR technology has been introduced into teaching in the world. It originated from the technology service we provided to an international school in China and began to apply it in practice.

In the future, our XR technology will be integrated into all educational environments, and then applied to all commercial scenarios. We have a huge potential audience and have full potential to develop.

Technology & Service

Improve learning ability

•   Enhanced Learning Experience: Students can enhance their learning experience with virtual and augmented reality through specialized programs developed by us, along with wearing and using the necessary equipment.

•   Break through the traditional teaching medium: The latest XR technology allows you to enter the scene, see, touch and experience three-dimensional phenomena and form interactions, which is unmatched by traditional teaching materials, which are limited to two dimensions. Interest and motivation to learn will increase significantly.

•   Stimulate intellectual curiosity: Once you experience the world, your intellectual curiosity will be stimulated and you will develop the habit of seeking out more knowledge and experiences. As XR technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for every student expand infinitely.


1988, Dropped out of The Peoples University of China. Study abroad in Japan. 

1988, Established JCJ INTERNATIONAL Limited Trading Company in Tokyo. 

1990, Established ART FOUCS Co., Ltd. in Tokyo. 

1993, Graduated from The Business Administration of Hosei University in Tokyo. 

1993-1996, Fujimori Sangyo Co., Ltd. a trading Firm in Tokyo.

1996, Established Powerbaby Construction Machinery (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. In Tianjin.

2001, Estabilished AITOO Co., Ltd. in Tokyo. 

2014,Established XRwave Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.

Business scope: Promotion and R&D of XR technology. 

2022, Established XRware Japan Co., Ltd. in Tokyo.

Business scope: Promotion and R&D of XR technology.

Teaching & Medical applications

XR teaching application

Disciplinary integration

•   In International School, as the XR curriculum is not limited to itself

•   XR technology has been integrated into multidisciplinary applications, greatly improving the types and experience of teaching aids.

•   Physics class: vividly and comprehensively analyze the principles of physics from the inside to the outside, significantly improving the effect of the course.

•   History class: Students are immersed in historical scenes, as if they are witnesses of historical events.

•   Chemistry class: Dangerous experiments can be done easily, and rare materials can be inexhaustible.

Medical applications-Visualization

XR Panoramic Medical Scene Demonstration.

XR promotes medical interaction and expands telemedicine.

XR shows and predicts the medical process and pathological development of patients in the whole scene Provide stable doctor-patient relationship and form visualization of pathological analysis in the whole process.

Medical applications-Extension

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) students improve their attention through XR equipment to reduce the difficulty of teaching ADHD children in traditional schools.

Patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) can relieve symptoms by XR equipment, which is widely used in old-age care institutions and old-age care groups.

Global cardiovascular patients monitor and predict health status through XR equipment and software.



Meta Quest Pro

Customer Success

For any technical questions, comments and suggestions of our company, please send an email to info@xrwave.asia .